Revolear is Now on the Salesforce AppExchange

We’re excited to announce that Revolear for Salesforce is now available on the Salesforce AppExchange.  The connector makes it easy for customers managing their pipelines and customers in Salesforce to manage their deals in Revolear.

“For a team with so much history in the Salesforce ecosystem, it’s exciting for us to get our first Salesforce package posted,” said Adam Rutland, Revolear’s Co-Founder and former Engineering Director at Salesforce and Vlocity. “The integration was straightforward, and lays the foundation for more joint functionality going forward.”

Revolear for Salesforce

“Sales managers rely on Salesforce to manage their teams and their pipelines, just like I did as a Salesforce user since 2009,” added Raja Singh, Revolear Founder and former GM at Salesforce and Vlocity.  “Now, we’re enriching the Salesforce Opportunity with direct customer engagement activity.  Revolear gives sales teams and sales leaders an additional tool to assess their pipeline and plan their deal strategies.”

How’s It Works

Revolear for Salesforce links Salesforce Opportunities with Revolear Deals, sending account and contact information to Revolear, and getting back a feed of customer engagement activity.

  • Opportunity and Deals can be linked by a) clicking the ‘Create Revolear Deal’ button on the Opportunity, b) selecting the Opportunity when creating a Deal in Revolear, or c) selecting the Opportunity from the Settings page in Revolear.
  • Upon linking, Revolear will pull the Opportunity, Account and Contact data from Salesforce.
  • Revolear will update Salesforce with a) new Contacts added via Proposal shares, b) all Proposal engagement activity, like customer feedback and share, and c) will keep the Opportunity amounts and close dates up-to-date.

How to Get Revolear for Salesforce

Revolear for Salesforce requires active Revolear and Salesforce subscriptions.  The package is available from the Revolear sales team, beginning at $250 per Salesforce org per year.

Author Raja Singh

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